It’s impossible to put a price on the life of a loved one. When a loved one dies as a result of an accident – especially one caused by someone else’s negligence – the ensuing wrongful death claim can be an emotionally and legally trying experience. But understanding how wrongful death cases are valued can help provide family members with some peace of mind; damages awarded in wrongful death cases are not intended to replace the life of their lost one, but rather reclaim some justice from the negligent party and provide financial stability moving forward so families can focus on coping with the loss.

Valuing a wrongful death case in Texas

If you are a family member of the deceased, you may be able to receive damages as part of your wrongful death claim. These damages can include:

  • Inheritance that could have been claimed by the deceased
  • Potential wages or earning capacity of the deceased
  • Loss of companionship or loss of consortium
  • Emotional pain and suffering of the family members

In some cases, damages may include funeral costs or delayed earnings such as retirement benefits.

The amounts included in these damages are flexible, and many factors can influence the final amount, including:

  • How old your loved one was
  • Their occupation
  • The severity of the accident
  • Whether the deceased’s actions contributed to the accident

Given how many factors play into evaluating a wrongful death case, trying to establish how much your case is worth can be extremely difficult. If you have recently lost a loved one in an accident, discuss the situation with a personal injury attorney. An experienced attorney can help you file a wrongful death claim and get the compensation your family deserves.