Throughout the state of Texas, distracted drivers cause thousands upon thousands of motor vehicle collisions. Technology companies and lawmakers alike have attempted to reduce distraction-related accidents through “do not disturb” settings on personal electronics and laws prohibiting texting while driving. Unfortunately, driving distractions don’t stop there.

While cell phone use might be the most prevalent type of distracted driving, drivers face almost an unending list of activities that can pull attention away from safely operating a motor vehicle. Driving distractions typically fall into one of three categories, though there is often overlap. They can be visual distractions, cognitive distractions or manual distractions. Texting while driving is generally considered the most dangerous activity because it crosses elements from all three categories. There are numerous other dangerous distractions, including:

  • Eating and drinking
  • Personal grooming
  • Manipulating a GPS navigation system
  • Manipulating a sound system
  • Conversations with vehicle occupants
  • Reading
  • Writing

Even drivers who are cognizant of various hands-free restrictions can still introduce a dangerous element to their commute. Numerous studies agree that having a conversation while driving – even on a hands-free device – can be as dangerous as driving under the influence.

Distracted drivers can cause devastating collision leading to catastrophic injuries. Vehicle occupants can suffer traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, paralysis, multiple fractures and amputation. The types of the vehicles and the force of the collision can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities.

If you were injured or you have lost a loved one in an accident caused by a negligent driver, it is wise to discuss your situation with an experienced motor vehicle accident attorney. A skilled lawyer can provide the guidance and representation you need.